


Infralovers Team Matthias Theuermann Paul Strebenitzer Martin Buchleitner Jürgen Brüder Edmund Haselwanter Theresa Wallas Miriam Grainer Jan Klare

Cooking some "Mitaka" flavoured OpenStack on your local machine

About the author Jan Klare is the co-founder of the cloudbau GmbH and a big automation and bleeding edge technology fan. He is a core reviewer in the official

Infrastructure with Virtualization

Virtualization enables on-demand-provisioning of servers running several choices of operating systems and customized software stacks. This leaves the consumer

Commandemy by Infralovers launches

We are IT-Experts and love everything that has to do with IT-Infrastructure and the cloud. Since 10 years we have been building and consulting big and small

New website for Infralovers

Welcome to the blog of the Austrian company "Infralovers". You can expect regular updates on topics like Chef, OpenStack, Jenkins and many other

OpenStack in modern telecommunication

OpenStack in modern telecommunication 2015 to 2016, Infralovers helped one of Germany's leading telecommunications giants to decide on the perfect solutions to

MTU Issue? Nope, It is LRO with Bridge and Bond

This one bugged me for a while. Cause it was so miss-leading to debug. Most of the time when faced with connection loss on larger packages one immediately

Deploying Openstack with Mirantis Fuel 5.1

OpenStack Lifecycle Management Tools In a joint effort Jannis Rake-Revelant, Jürgen Brüder, and myself Edmund Haselwanter had a look at several what we call

Deploying Openstack with Rackspace Private Cloud (RPC)

OpenStack Lifecycle Management Tools In a joint effort Jannis Rake-Revelant, Jürgen Brüder, and myself Edmund Haselwanter had a look at several what we call

Deploying Openstack with RDO Packstack

OpenStack Lifecycle Management Tools In a joint effort Jannis Rake-Revelant, Jürgen Brüder, and myself Edmund Haselwanter had a look at several what we call

Deploying Openstack with Stackforge Chef-Server Style

OpenStack Lifecycle Management Tools In a joint effort Jannis Rake-Revelant, Jürgen Brüder, and myself Edmund Haselwanter had a look at several what we call

Deploying Openstack with Stackforge Chef-Zero Style

OpenStack Lifecycle Management Tools In a joint effort Jannis Rake-Revelant, Jürgen Brüder, and myself Edmund Haselwanter had a look at several what we call

Using Test Kitchen And Puppet On OpenStack

This is a followup article to Using Test Kitchen With Puppet. This time we want to run our tests against an Openstack deployment. You can follow my article

SUSECloud Part 4 - I have A (SUSE) OpenStack Cloud, Now What?

So we have installed OpenStack on our test environment but not done anything with it. SUSECloud Part 1 - Install The Multi Node OpenStack/Ceph Environment

SUSECloud Part 3 Creating A Gateway Server For The Multinode OpenStack Environment

Welcome back to the next post in the series about deploying a multinode OpenStack testlab environment. This time we will focus on the outside-in to our cluster.

SUSECloud Part 2 Install The OpenStack Services And Ceph On the Multinode Environment Command Line Style

Prerequisites Have a cluster installed like in: SUSECloud Part 1 - Install The Multi Node OpenStack/Ceph Environment Getting OpenStack Installed Turn on the one

SUSECloud Part 2 Install The OpenStack Services And Ceph On the Multinode Environment Point And Click Style

Prerequisites Have a cluster installed like in: SUSECloud Part 1 - Install The Multi Node OpenStack/Ceph Environment After you have installed the admin node you

Howto Create A Minimal Viable OpenStack Deployment With Devstack In Your Local LAN

Cheat Sheet Version This will become a full fledged blog post. At this time it is just the happy-path description to get it running without much explanation.

SUSECloud Part 1 - Install The Multi Node OpenStack/Ceph Environment

Prerequisites We need to have a VirtualBox environment set up. For SLES have a look at this blog post: Install Virtualbox on SLES 11 SP3. As SLES and SUSECloud

Transforming Banking Infrastructure for an European Bank

Transforming Banking Infrastructure for an European Bank From 2013 to 2019, Infralovers played a pivotal role in training the staff of an european Bank and

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