New Lectures - DevOps


We are expanding our offer with lectures, small bits of knowledge that offer the perfect introduction to a topic, and are pleased to give you a first insight into our brand new lectures in the area of DevOps.

Coding Languages Explained

In this lecture we give a comprehensive overview of common markup, data and programming languages. You will learn all about the similarities and differences in syntax, semantics, compilation and interpretation. We will introduce you to popular text editors and IDEs and shed light on the reasons for the diversity of programming languages.

Security Check

Security is a central topic in modern software development. In this lecture, we teach practical knowledge about security and compliance implementation with Mondoo. You will learn how to identify vulnerabilities and integrate security standards into your DevOps processes. We will also teach you skills for improving the security of applications and infrastructures.

We hope you are as excited about these planned lectures as we are. Stay tuned!

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