HashiCorp Packer and HCP Packer Release Channels


Within our previous posts about HashiCorp Packer we have shown how to build images for AWS and Azure using Packer. In this article we will add something we covered in our final thoughts within our HCP Packer Template VM distribution article: How to promote changes to the Packer templates to different environments.

Why do we want to use HCP Packer Release Channels?

With the default configuration of a HCP Packer hcp_packer_registry definition for the HCP Packer Registry, all iterations are created within the latest channel. That is fine for testing, but we want to have a more control about the distribution of our templates. We want to have a selection of channels for our different enviroments, e.g. to have a staging channel for our staging environment and a production channel for our production environment. So we need to create multiple HCP Packer Registry channels and automate the distribution of our templates to these channels.

Default Packer Template with HCP Packer

Our current Packer image definition looks like the following snippet:

 1build {
 3  sources = [ "source.amazon-ebs.eu-central-1","source.amazon-ebs.eu-east-1", "source.amazon-ebs.us-east-1", "source.amazon-ebs.us-west-1" ]
 5  hcp_packer_registry {
 7    bucket_name = replace(replace(var.image_name, ".", "-"), "_","-")
 8    description = "HCP Packer Registry: ${var.image_name}-${var.ansible_play}-${var.ci_commit_ref}-${var.ci_commit_sha"
 9    bucket_labels = {
10      "owner"         = "infralovers",
11      "name"          = "${var.image_name}",
12      "play"          = "${var.ansible_play}",
13      "ci_commit_ref" = "${var.ci_commit_ref}",
14      "ci_commit_sha" = "${var.ci_commit_sha}"
15    }
17    build_labels = {
18      "owner"         = "infralovers",
19      "build-time"    = "${var.timestamp}",
20      "name"          = "${var.image_name}",
21      "play"          = "${var.ansible_play}",
22      "ci_commit_ref" = "${var.ci_commit_ref}",
23      "ci_commit_sha" = "${var.ci_commit_sha}"
24    }
25  }
27  provisioner "shell" {
28    inline = ["while [ ! -f /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished ]; do echo 'Waiting for cloud-init...'; sleep 1; done"]
29  }
31  provisioner "shell" {
32    execute_command = "echo 'packer' | {{ .Vars }} sudo -S -E bash '{{ .Path }}'"
33    script          = "packer/scripts/setup.sh"
34  }
36  provisioner "ansible" {
37    galaxy_file             = "ansible/requirements.yaml"
38    playbook_file           = "ansible/common.yml"
39    use_proxy               = false
40    groups                  = [ "common", var.ansible_play ]
41  }
43  provisioner "ansible" {
44    playbook_file           = "ansible/${var.ansible_play}.yml"
45    use_proxy               = false
46    groups                  = [ "common", var.ansible_play ]
47  }
49  provisioner "shell" {
50    execute_command = "echo 'packer' | {{ .Vars }} sudo -S -E bash '{{ .Path }}'"
51    script          = "packer/scripts/cleanup.sh"
52  }
54  provisioner "cnspec" {
55    on_failure      = "continue"
56    score_threshold = 85
57    asset_name      = "${var.image_name}${var.image_tag}"
58    sudo {
59      active = true
60    }
61    annotations = {
62      Source_AMI    = "{{ .SourceAMI }}"
63      Creation_Date = "{{ .SourceAMICreationDate }}"
64    }
65  }

Within this definition we were switching from ansible-local to ansible as provisioner, but more on that on a different article that caused this change. Also we are using cnspec from our friends of Mondoo to check the security of our images. This is a great tool to check the security of your images and we will cover this in a different article as well.

HCP Packer Image Iterations

On the first build we will create the latest iteration. Every following build will create a new iteration. All Packer builds are generating new iterations of the image. We can see the iterations within the HCP Packer Registry:

HCP Packer Iterations

HCP Packer Release Channel Automation

Right now our HCP Packer definition for the HCP Packer Registry creates all iterations of the template within the latest channel. That is fine for testing, but we want to have a more controlled distribution of our templates. We want to have a selection of channel for our dedicated enviroments, e.g. to have a staging channel for our staging environment and a production channel for our production environment. So we need to create a new HCP Packer Registry for each of these channels. We will use the following snippet to create the HCP Packer Registry for the production channel:

 1variable "hcp_image_name" {
 2  type = string
 5variable "hcp_channel"{
 6  type = string
 7  default = "production"
10variable "hcp_channel_source" {
11  type = string
12  default = "latest"
15data "hcp_packer_iteration" "latest" {
16  bucket_name = var.hcp_image_name
17  channel     = var.hcp_channel_source
20resource "hcp_packer_channel" "production" {
21  name        = var.hcp_channel
22  bucket_name = var.hcp_image_name
25resource "hcp_packer_channel_assignment" "production" {
26  bucket_name  = var.hcp_image_name
27  channel_name = var.hcp_channel
29  iteration_version = data.hcp_packer_iteration.latest.incremental_version

Because we are running this following code within a pipeline to address the functionality with multiple different images, we need to associate the current state within the HCP registry by running the import commands. This allows us to process the changes afterwards - and we want to use the same toolset from HashiCorp in this setup, so we are using terraform for this changes. We assume that the variable IMAGE_NAME is set to the name of the image we want to create:

1terraform import -var "hcp_image_name=${IMAGE_NAME}" hcp_packer_channel.production "${IMAGE_NAME}:production"
3terraform import -var "hcp_image_name=${IMAGE_NAME}" hcp_packer_channel_assignment.production "${IMAGE_NAME}:production"
5terraform apply -auto-approve -var "hcp_image_name=${IMAGE_NAME}"

So the following statements represent the acutal comands when the variable is replacedÖ

1terraform import -var "hcp_image_name=ubuntu-22-04-docker" hcp_packer_channel.production "ubuntu-22-04-docker:production"
3terraform import -var "hcp_image_name=ubuntu-22-04-docker" hcp_packer_channel_assignment.production "ubuntu-22-04-docker:production"
5terraform apply -auto-approve -var "hcp_image_name=ubuntu-22-04-docker"

Those import commands are relevant to import the existing HCP Packer Registry for the production channel. The last command adresses the HCP Packer Registry for the production channel.

This snippet creates a new HCP Packer Registry for the production channel and assigns the latest iteration to this channel. We can use the same snippet to create a staging channel as well. We just need to change the name of the channel and the source channel of the HCP Packer Registry.

HCP Packer Channels

Final Thoughts

We have shown how to create a HCP Packer Registry for a specific channel. We can use this to create a latest and a production channel. We can use the same snippet to create any other channel as well. We just need to change the name of the channel and the source channel of the HCP Packer Registry. By this setup we can create a release pipeline that uses the latest channel as development stage and production as production ready. In between those stages we can create any other channel we need, e.g. staging or qa. This gives us a lot of flexibility to create a release pipeline that fits our needs.

We are using this setup within a pipeline to create images within a pipeline and distribute them to different environments by running pipelines related Merge Requests and their according target branch. When a Merge Request is related to main, this will promote the related image to the production channel.

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