Leveraging OpenTelemetry to Enhance Ansible with Jaeger Tracing


Leveraging OpenTelemetry to Enhance Ansible with Jaeger Tracing

In today's complex IT environments, system administrators and DevOps teams are constantly challenged to manage and troubleshoot distributed systems efficiently. Ansible, a powerful automation tool, simplifies many aspects of configuration management and orchestration. However, as the scale and complexity of infrastructures increase, it becomes essential to gain deeper insights into Ansible operations for performance optimization and debugging.

This is where OpenTelemetry and Jaeger come into play. In this blog post, we'll explore why sending traces from Ansible over OpenTelemetry to Jaeger can significantly benefit your automation processes as well as showcase an example implementation.

Understanding the Basics

Before delving into the benefits, let's clarify some fundamental concepts:

  • Ansible: Ansible is an open-source automation platform that allows you to automate tasks like software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment. It uses YAML-based playbooks to define automation tasks.
  • OpenTelemetry: OpenTelemetry is a set of APIs, libraries, agents, and instrumentation to provide observability in your applications. It allows you to collect and export distributed traces, metrics, and logs from your services.
  • Jaeger: Jaeger is an open-source, end-to-end distributed tracing system that helps you monitor and troubleshoot complex microservices-based architectures effectively.

Now, let's explore why combining Ansible with OpenTelemetry and Jaeger makes sense.

  1. Granular Visibility Automation processes, especially in large-scale environments, often involve multiple Ansible roles, playbooks, and tasks executed across various hosts. Tracking the execution flow and identifying bottlenecks or issues can be challenging without proper observability. By integrating OpenTelemetry, you can gain granular visibility into Ansible's operations. Each task execution can be traced, providing insights into execution times and dependencies.
  2. Identifying Performance Bottlenecks When automation processes slow down or fail, pinpointing the root cause is critical. OpenTelemetry can help you identify performance bottlenecks by tracing the execution of each task. You can see which tasks take the most time, whether they're waiting on external services, and where resource contention might be occurring.
  3. Debugging Complex Playbooks Complex Ansible playbooks can be difficult to debug, especially when dealing with multiple roles and conditional tasks. Tracing these playbooks with OpenTelemetry allows you to follow the execution flow step by step. You can see how variables change, which tasks are skipped, and where failures occur, simplifying troubleshooting.
  4. Monitoring Distributed Systems In modern IT environments, automation often extends to managing microservices and containerized applications. OpenTelemetry enables you to monitor and trace requests as they traverse through the distributed system, helping you identify latency issues, failed requests, and service dependencies.

Practical Example

To illustrate the real-world benefits of sending traces from Ansible over OpenTelemetry to Jaeger, let's dive into a practical example. In this scenario, we'll consider a simple use case where we want to ping our local workstation.

Scenario Requirements

Before we get started, let's outline the requirements for our practical example:

  • Python: Python should be installed on your local machine including pip
  • Ansible: Ansible should be installed on your local machine. You can follow the official Ansible installation guide for assistance.
  • Local Kubernetes Cluster: For this demonstration we are going to use a simple k3d cluster which will need Docker to run, but you may use any other cluster you are comfortable with.
  • Helm: We will use Helm to deploy a OpenTelemetry Collector to gather our traces and to deploy a Jaeger instance
  • (Optional) k9s: k9s makes managing your cluster easier and is therefore our tool recommendation!

Kubernetes Part

After all the dependencies are installed, let’s set everything up! First we will create a k3d cluster by executing the following command in a CLI of your choice:

1k3d cluster create otel-ansible --api-port 6550 -p "80:80@loadbalancer" --agents 2

Now we need to install the Jaeger instance as well as the OTel-Collector. Therefore first create a simplest.yaml file with the following content, before executing the commands below:

1apiVersion: jaegertracing.io/v1
2kind: Jaeger
4  name: simplest

Following the creation of the file above you may execute the commands below:

 1helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io
 3helm upgrade --install \
 4  cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
 5  --namespace cert-manager \
 6  --create-namespace \
 7  --version v1.7.1 \
 8  --set installCRDs=true \
 9  --wait
11kubectl create namespace observability
13kubectl create -f https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/releases/download/v1.38.0/jaeger-operator.yaml -n observability
15kubectl apply -f simplest.yaml

Now our cluster should look like this (you can simply type k9s to view your cluster):

k9s cluster overview after Jaeger is deployed

We will need the IP address of the marked pod in our next step so please note it down!

All that is left, before we turn to Ansible, is to install the OTel-Collector. We will need to customize our collector to receive traces and send them to Jaeger. Therefore create a values.yaml file where we will define these changes (don’t forget to change the address):

 1mode: deployment
 3  receivers:
 4    otlp:
 5      protocols:
 6        grpc:
 7          endpoint:
 9  exporters:
10    otlphttp:
11      endpoint: http://<YOUR JAEGER ADDRESS>:4318
12    logging:
13      loglevel: debug
14      sampling_initial: 5
15      sampling_thereafter: 200
17  service:
18    pipelines:
19      traces:
20        receivers: [otlp]
21        processors: []
22        exporters: [otlphttp, logging]
23      logs:
24        receivers: [otlp]
25        processors: []
26        exporters: [otlphttp, logging]

Now we can install the collector using Helm:

1helm repo add open-telemetry https://open-telemetry.github.io/opentelemetry-helm-charts
3helm install my-opentelemetry-collector open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector --values=values.yaml

Finally we will want to expose the ports 16686 for our Jaeger instance and the port 4317 for the collector, which is made easy by using k9s interface, otherwise, you may use the commands:

1kubectl port-forward <JAEGER POD NAME> 16686:16686 &
3kubectl port-forward <COLLECTOR POD NAME> 4317:4317 &

using k9s to port-forward

If you want you can take your first look at the Jaeger dashboard we just exposed at: http://localhost:16686

Ansible Part

With this we can finally focus on Ansible.

The easiest way to get Ansible to send our data to the OTel-Collector is by using a community plugin for Ansible. Follow the instructions on this website to install the plugin.

The plugin requires, that we also install some pip packages. Therefore we will have to create a virtual environment with python, where we can install them. Simply follow the instructions at this website to create the virtual environment and activate it.

After activating the environment, we can install the pip packages:

1pip install opentelemetry-api
3pip install opentelemetry-sdk
5pip install opentelemetry-exporter-otlp

Once this is done we need a Python script (ansible-runner.py) that executes our playbook, which we will write later on:

1import ansible_runner
3# Path to your Ansible playbook
4playbook_path = "playbook.yaml"
6# Create an instance of AnsibleRunner and run it
7ansible_runner.run(private_data_dir='.', playbook=playbook_path)

Our playbook as can be seen in the script above, will be called playbook.yaml:

2- name: Ping localhost
3  hosts: localhost
4  tasks:
5    - name: Send Ping
6      ansible.builtin.ping:

In addition to the playbook, we will have to define a config for Ansible (ansible.cfg):

2inventory = inventory
3callbacks_enabled = community.general.opentelemetry

as well as our Inventory (inventory), which will contain a list of hosts:

1localhost ansible_connection=local

If we have created everything our folder structure should look similar to this:

2├── artifacts # automatically generated
4└── ansible-runner.py
5└── ansible.cfg
6└── inventory
7└── playbook.yaml

The only thing left to do, is to expose to environment variables, which will tell Ansible where to send the Traces to and how to refer to the service within Jaeger:

1export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4317
3export OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=ansible

And now let’s execute it:

1python ansible-runner.py

Overview of all Ansible traces

detailed view of a specific trace


In today's dynamic and distributed IT landscapes, gaining observability into your automation processes is essential for maintaining performance, identifying issues, and ensuring the reliability of your infrastructure. Integrating Ansible with OpenTelemetry and Jaeger offers a powerful solution for achieving these goals. By leveraging OpenTelemetry's tracing capabilities, you can gain granular visibility into Ansible's operations, identify performance bottlenecks, and debug complex playbooks. Sending these traces to Jaeger further enhances your ability to monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize your automation processes, ultimately leading to more efficient and reliable infrastructure management.

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