Jenkins, Spinnaker, CircleCI are just some of the Continuous Integration / Continuous Development tools.
- MPL - Modular Pipeline Library
- Managing Kubernetes with Spinnaker at scale
- Where to Store Android KeyStore File in CI/CD Cycle?
- End-to-end browser testing with the Ghost Inspector CircleCI orb
The modular pipeline library from Jenkins stores all reusable DevOps pipelines so that you can use it later again.
Learn to understand the relationship between Spinnaker and Kubernetes.
Check out what the Keystore file is, how it can be secured and where it has its place in the Continuous Integration and Deployment.
With Ghost Inspector CircleCI you can easily create, manage and execute browser-based tests.
Do you want to learn how to automate your IT workflows with Jenkins?
Check out the Jenkins Essentials Training.
Check here!