2024 Recap & Outlook for 2025
2024 Recap & Outlook for 2025 at Infralovers 2024 was a year of innovations and new learning opportunities for us. We continuously expanded our training
Managing secrets, API keys and more with Serverless
Use Lambda environment variables and AWS Parameter Store to handle configuration in your Serverless projects
How to set up a custom domain name for Lambda & API Gateway with Serverless
With Serverless, it's easier than ever to deploy production-ready API endpoints. However, using AWS API Gateway results in odd hostnames for your endpoints. Further, these hostnames will...
Why we switched from docker to serverless
Here at ShoutOUT we've been happily operating on Amazon Web Services for years and are constantly amazed at the services that AWS introduces everyday. We had the luxury of starting our...
Serverless Aurora: What it means and why it's the future of data
AWS had their annual re:Invent conference last week (missed it? Check out our full recap). AWS Lambda started the Serverless movement by releasing Lambda at re:Invent 2014. But the Lambda...
Serverless: A love hate relationship
A presentation on the advantages and disadvantages of using the "serverless" methodology in software development.
Containers vs serverless - Navigating application deployment options
IBM presentation at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention Container Day in Austin, Texas on May 9, 2017. https://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/oscon-tx/public/s...
Serverless: Looking Back to See Forward - Subbu's Blog
Last week, I attended an all-day CIO forum on cloud in Seattle, organized by one of Seattle's top venture fund groups. Several notable speakers and panelists spoke about their views on...
Developing serverless backends with OpenWhisk and API Gateway integrations
Part 1: IBM API Gateway As actions can be seen as flexible and independently deployable microservices they are perfectly suited to build up entirely serverless microservice backends that...
4 Steps To Secure Serverless Applications
Serverless applications remove a lot of the operational burdens from your team. No more managing operating systems or running low level infrastructure. This lets you and your team focus on...
Serverless is about Automation, not Functions - Paul Johnston - Medium
I recently spoke at ServerlessConf NYC on Managing Serverless Development. The slides are here (enjoy the cat pictures!): I had many routes down which I could take this talk (I shared my...
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