AI for DevOps Engineers - Part 3: Infrastructure, Operations, Security, and Agents
In the previous parts (part one and part two) of this blog series, we explored the challenges facing DevOps today, how AI can address them, and how to build
Application Automation with Habitat and Kubernetes - Chef Blog
Habitat, Chef's next generation application automation framework, provides a powerful suite of integrated capabilities in service of seamlessly and continuously building, deploying, and...
Windows Container Studio
We launched a Windows Studio earlier this year that provides a "kind of" isolated environment for your Windows Habitat builds. It restricts your path to only include the Windows system root...
Habitat Integration for VSTS in the Visual Studio Marketplace - Chef Blog
We are pleased to announce the first release of Habitat Integration for Visual Studio Team Services, released to the Visual Studio Marketplace . This extension brings the power and...
Learning Habitat with the Chef Training Team - Chef Blog
Habitat is an open-source project by Chef that moves an application's configuration, management, and behavior to the application itself, not the infrastructure that the application runs on....
core-plans - Core Habitat Plan definitions
habitat-operator - A Kubernetes operator for Habitat services
Version ordering seems to be alpha sorted and needs to following some kind of versioning comparison scheme · Issue #1090 · habitat-sh/habitat
curl -Ls | ruby -rjson -e 'puts JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(' [ { "origin": "lamont-granquist", "name": "r...
habitat - Modern applications with built-in automation
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