2024 Recap & Outlook for 2025
2024 Recap & Outlook for 2025 at Infralovers 2024 was a year of innovations and new learning opportunities for us. We continuously expanded our training
Using Docker Multi-Stage Builds with Go
Just Give Me the Code Fine...here you go. Motivation Consider the following Dockerfile: FROM scratch ADD ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ ADD main / CMD ["/main"] Since go is a compiled...
A Short Guide to Mastering Strings in Golang
I thought I'd write this article after a friend mentioned that he hadn't dealt with runes before in Go. After doing a quick search on string manipulation in Go, I noticed that a few...
Go 1.8 is released - The Go Blog
The compiler back end introduced in Go 1.7 for 64-bit x86 is now used on all architectures, and those architectures should see significant performance improvements. For instance, the CPU...
Go dependency tool
Making the Switch from Node.js to Golang
Making the switch from Node.js to Golang was the right decision for Alexandra Grant. Learn about her transition and how it has benefited her team.
Downloads - The Go Programming Language
See the release history for more information about Go releases.
Comparing Elixir and Go - via @codeship
Elixir and Go have both grown significantly in popularity over the past few years, and both are often reached for by developers looking for high concurrency solutions. The two languages...
Writing Ruby gems with Rust and Helix
For the last couple of years I've been hearing how Rust can be useful to write faster Ruby gems. Last year, when Godfrey Chan gave his presentation about rewriting String#blank? with Rust,...
Ruby on Rails 5.0.0 Released - RubyFlow
Need a Second Opinion on Your Ruby Code? Ask Crystal - Pat...
Recently I've been learning about the Crystal programming language, a variation on Ruby syntax implemented on the LLVM platform. What's interesting about Crystal is that is uses static...
Womenintech Part 2: My journey continues
Next stops Git, Gitlab, Ruby, Rspec and Cucumber To get into the workflow of our company, I started learning how to use Git. So, I started with the basics, using Git locally and GitLab as a...
Building static sites with Contentful and Ruby - Contentful
We love static sites: here's a quick start guide for using Contentful with Middleman and Jekyll.
From Ruby to Lua
I've been meaning to take a closer look at Lua for quite some time now. It has been described as a proven, robust programming language that is considered to be fast, portable, embeddable,...
The Pros and Cons of Ruby Refinements - via @codeship
In Ruby 2.0.0, refinements were introduced as a new feature. Monkey patching has been used for a long time for modifying code behavior, but it creates side effects in code elsewhere that...
A Beginner's Guide to Exceptions in Ruby
The other day I was searching for an introduction to Ruby exceptions written for beginners - people who know basic Ruby syntax but aren't really sure what an exception is or why it's...
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