2024 Recap & Outlook for 2025
2024 Recap & Outlook for 2025 at Infralovers 2024 was a year of innovations and new learning opportunities for us. We continuously expanded our training
Chef Certification: What it is and how to do it - Chef Blog
The Chef Certification Program is an exciting opportunity to deliver more value for your organization and take your career to the next level. Chef skills are in greater demand than ever. The most recent Dice Technology Salary Survey found that salaries for practitioners who cultivate Chef skills rank among the top ten technology skills in the world.
Chef Certification - New Badges and Updates - Chef Blog
The Chef Certification program currently has three badges available for achieving the Certified Chef Developer level of certification. To reach this level of cert, you must pass the Basic Chef Fluency, Local Cookbook Development, and Extending Chef exams. In early March, we will introduce the Deploying Cookbooks badge.
GoCD Cookbook and the Chef Partner Cookbook Program - Chef Blog
I'm happy to announce that GoCD is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program . They have certified the GoCD Cookbook . Author JJ Asghar JJ works with Strategic Technical Alliances at Chef Software making integrations work with Chef, Habitat, and InSpec. He works on everything from Azure, VMware, OpenStack, and Cisco with everything in between.
Chef at Config Management Camp - Chef Blog
Config Management Camp is a conference that is 100% dedicated to configuration management. The conference took place February 6th and 7th at the SchoonMeersen Campus of the University College Gent. The event brought together config management users from all over Europe, including Chef staff from the US who gave talks on both Habitat and Chef.
A Chef primer for DevOps newbies
Mastering the cloud is a lot easier with the DevOps program Chef in your kitchen. Chef is an open source cloud configuration management and deployment application. It's meant to help anyone orchestrate servers in a cloud or just in a departmental data center.
What's Shipping? - Chef Blog
Chef has been busy shipping a lot of new software lately. Here are some of the releases that have shipped in the last few weeks! The Chef Server was recently updated to consolidate credentials that are stored on the system.
Guest Post: Using Artifactory as a private Supermarket - Chef Blog
This is a guest post by Michael Hüttermann. Michael is an expert in Continuous Delivery, DevOps and SCM/ALM. More information about him at http://huettermann.net, or follow him on Twitter: @huettermann. This blog post introduces executable Software Configuration Management as a DevOps enabler, and shows what an implementation can look like with Artifactory as the caretaker to manage Chef Cookbooks.
Chef Habitat For Packaging Python Flask Web Services
One of the challenges of building open source tools is figuring out how to package and distribute them. This is particularly true with web services. To make building, deploying, and running web services easier, Chef created Habitat.
Delivering the Continuous Enterprise with Agile, Lean, and DevOps (ALDO) practices - Chef Blog
At Chef we work with teams of developers and operators in the largest enterprises in the world. They are all challenged to keep up with today's customer expectations which - in digital transformation terms - means shipping ideas faster. They feel they're striking a delicate and increasingly difficult balance of quality versus speed when they build software.
Detecting the WannaCry Exploit with InSpec - Chef Blog
As you may have read about in the news, an exploit called "WannaCry" has been circulating and infecting Windows systems across the globe. The "WannaCry" exploit is a particularly nasty type of exploit called "ransomware"; once installed, the malware encrypts your files and holds them hostage until you pay hundreds of dollars in ransom fees.
Testing chef cookbooks with GitLab CI · Artem Sidorenko
Test Kitchen is a common tool for integration testing of Chef cookbooks. Usually a combination of Vagrant& VirtualBox is used to bring up the VMs. This works well for local development setups, but what about Continuous Integration environments?
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