Methods for Testing Terraform
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has revolutionized the way we manage cloud resources, and Terraform has become a leading tool in this space. To ensure the
Using Kubernetes for Deployments - via @codeship
Reading Time: 3 minutes Let's learn how to set up continuous deployment to Kubernetes for your Docker apps. Specifically, we're going to look at automating the management, deployment, and scaling of your containerized applications. In a nutshell, Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating the management, deployment, and scaling of containerized applications like Docker.
$15 Production Kubernetes Cluster on DigitalOcean
Four sweets or production Kubernetes for a month Introduction As you might already know, I'm into containers, static configuration and self-service infrastructures. Naturally, I love Kubernetes, which I consider the most promising cluster scheduler around. In fact, the biggest reason to use containers is that they make it possible for
How Rancher Helps Put Kubernetes into Production - The New Stack
On the newest episode of The New Stack Makers podcast, Rancher Labs Principal Software Engineer Alena Prokharchyk and Kubernetes user Brian Scott, currently a systems engineering manager at Disney, sat down with TNS founder Alex Williams at Kubecon 2016 to discuss the use of Kubernetes in production environments, and how Rancher could help such deployments.
Thinking Out Loud: The Future of Kubernetes - Scott's Weblog - The weblog of an IT pro specializing in virtualization, networking, open source, and cloud computing
I've just wrapped up KubeCon/CloudNativeCon 2016 in Seattle, WA. There's no doubt the Kubernetes community is active and engaged, and the project itself is charging forward. As both the community and the project grow, though, what does that mean for the future of Kubernetes? Here are my thoughts, hopefully presented in a somewhat logical fashion.
Kubernetes Fundamentals
So you've heard of Kubernetes but have no idea what it is or how it works? Then this is the course for you. It will take you from zero to knowing how to deploy a containerized application and manipulating resources via the API. This course maps directly to the requirementsfor the Kubernetes Certified Administrator Exam.
Modeling complex applications in Kubernetes with AppController
When you're first looking at But what happens when you have an application that does include dependencies. For example, what happens if the database must Kubernetes applications, it's common to see a simple scenario that may include several pieces - but not explicit dependencies. always be configured before the web servers, and so on?
Running kubernetes on a Raspberry pi cluster
Running kubernetes on a raspberry pi can be a little tricky. There are some many moving parts that the easiest way to do it, it is using one of the multiple installation methods for that but... what's the fun of that? I just wanted to get my hands dirty and know all the internals and...
GitLab 8.16 Released with auto deploy on Google Container Engine and Prometheus monitoring as part of GitLab
We're on a mission to make sure everyone can contribute. That means making the tools in GitLab easy to use, easy to set up and easy to maintain. Along the way some of the major steps were the introduction of zero-setup continuous integration (CI), and auto deploy on Kubernetes in GitLab 8.15 last month.
steward-framework - Go SDK for the Service Catalog Controller API
In 13 minutes from Kubernetes to a complete application development tool
When we raised our B-round this September we revealed our Master Plan: the ambition to help the world go faster from idea to production with GitLab. We showed a faked demo montage of how that would work. We promised to release this before the end of the year.
No SDN Kubernetes - Justin Garrison - Medium
Kubernetes networking has a few requirements. They are: Pods are routable on a flat network Pods should see their own routable IP address Nodes can communicate with all containers How these requirements are implemented is up to the operator. In many cases this means using a software defined network "SDN" also called an overlay network (e.g.
Polyglot CD pipelines - fabric8 io
Previous fabric8 Continuous Delivery blogs and demos have focussed on our iPaaS Java examples, this will show how we are able to use Jenkins Pipeline, Kubernetes and the fabric8 console to easily...
Building the Kubernetes virtual reality experience - Ryan van Niekerk - Medium
There were a few requirements to consider on the browser side. I knew I was going to be rendering dynamic (and sometimes stateful) components in the DOM. For this reason, choosing React was a no-brainer. This is actually the first time I've used React and it turned out to be pretty painless for the most part.
Running a Secure Registry on Kubernetes - Container Solutions
Once your shiny new Kubernetes cluster is up-and-running, one of the first things you'll want to add is a local registry for storing private images. This is typically achieved using the official Kubernetes registry addon. Unfortunately, the official addon has a few shortcomings, especially with regards to security.
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