AI for DevOps Engineers - Part 3: Infrastructure, Operations, Security, and Agents
In the previous parts (part one and part two) of this blog series, we explored the challenges facing DevOps today, how AI can address them, and how to build
Why Habitat? The Supervisor and Run Lifecyle - Chef Blog
In our previous posts, we talked about packaging your applications and compared results between packaging using a Dockerfile vs using Habitat. The core of Habitat packaging is the with allows us to define the build lifecycle of our application. To actually run our application, we need to define the run lifecycle.
What is Chef Habitat and why does it Matter?
JJ Asghar@Austin DevOps - Chef Habitat - Oct 19 2016
Habitat and Amazon Elastic Container Service - Chef Blog
I was fortunate to present to the AWS Sydney North User Group on the topic "Build Better Containers for ECS with Habitat" (slides here). Since I was new to using Habitat and Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) I documented my findings. If you're unfamiliar with Habitat, go read through the introduction and try out the tutorial.
Why Habitat? - Plans and Packages, Part 2 - Chef Blog
Wow, a 2000 word blog post. TL;DR Habitat is a better way to package apps, and creates better containers. Walk through the Habitat tutorial here . In part 1 of this blog post series, we talked about how Habitat approaches the problem of Application Packaging.
Habitat - Why Habitat
An open source project created by Chef, Habitat is application automation.
Habitat - a new open source project for automating applications - Chef Blog
Today we launched our new open source project, Habitat, for application automation. We hope you'll try Habitat and join us in taking automation to the next level. What follows is a blog from Adam Jacob detailing the philosophy behind Habitat and what this new technology delivers - automation that travels with the application.
Speeding up Habitat Iterations - Chef Blog
I'm not a developer. I'm an ops - at least I was one. For several years, I've been teaching and consulting individuals and companies about DevOps and automation and how to change the way they think about, manage and build infrastructure, using Chef tooling.
Breaking My Dependency Nightmares With Habitat - Chef Blog
In June this year Chef released an awesome new open-source project called Habitat. The great thing about it is that is does a lot of useful things under the hood, but I'm going to focus on telling you a story about how it helped me as an application developer not have to worry about underlying infrastructure dependencies when building and deploying my app.
How to run Habitat applications in Kubernetes - Chef Blog
Habitat simplifies creating, managing, and running containers. Habitat allows you to package applications in a compact, atomic, and easily auditable manner that more fully delivers on the promise of containers. Habitat has a number of additional benefits, but one of the places it particularly shines is striking the right balance between manageability, portability, and consistency in managing a fleet of microservice applications.
Chef startet mit Habitat ein Projekt zur Automatisierung von Anwendungen
Rainald Menge-Sonnentag Das Open-Source-Projekt bündelt die komplette Konfiguration, die für das Bauen und den Ablauf einer Anwendung benötigt wird, in eine Managementebene, die mit der Applikation ausgeliefert wird. Das Unternehmen Chef, das vor allem für die gleichnamige Continuous-Delivery-Plattform bekannt ist, hat ein neues Open-Source-Projekt namens Habitat ins Leben gerufen.
Chef and POWER8: Serving up Linux workload management
The VP of Business Development for Chef offers his view on the POWER8 technology and the unique solutions that IBM and Chef can deliver around OpenStack to s...
What is Ohai, anyway? - Chef Blog
The year was 2007. Cats and all manner of animals on the Internet were reaching out to us, to say hello, in big, bold letters: OH HAI! When I heard Nathen Harvey greet the class in my first Chef training at SURGE 2013, I was taken aback and tickled.
Chef Server HA: The best way to run Chef Server - Chef Blog
We're very pleased to announce that Chef Server HA is now available in full release. Chef Server HA is a completely new high availability (HA) architecture designed for mission-critical performance and reliability. It replaces the HA topologies that were previously available as part of the Chef Server package.
hedge-ops | Chef with Windows
Recently Peter Burkholder asked in the community whether anyone was doing Chef at scale in a Windows environment and what lessons were learned along the way ...
Building Chef on the BeagleBone Black
I wanted to get Chef running on my BeagleBone Black running Debian, using the full-stack Omnibus builder they use for their packages. While ARM is not a supported platform, the open source community had already done a lot of work getting it ready. The first step was to get the build toolchain in place, so...
Development Quality for Ruby and Chef - - Medium
A few years ago I wrote a small blog post about how to setup a local development environment for Chef using Vagrant and Test-Kitchen (you can see it here). Lately I've been questioned about how to maintain a codebase through the years and how to work on/find quality metrics.
Watch: Writing Elegant Tests - Chef Blog
On December 20th, I presented a live webinar on Writing Elegant Tests. Watch the recording below to hear me explain powerful RSpec features that you can use immediately to reduce code duplication, make your tests more expressive, and helpers that are exportable between all your cookbooks.
Test Ohai Plugins with ChefSpec and InSpec - Chef Blog
You can test your custom Ohai plugins with ChefSpec using the chefspec-ohai gem, and with InSpec in Test Kitchen. This frees you from the traditionally difficult task of debugging a failing Ohai plugin. In this post, I'll focus solely on testing an Ohai plugin.
Habitat - Announcement
Adam Jacob reveals, explains and demonstrates Habitat, the latest open source project from Chef. It's automation that travels with your app.
Why I am excited about Habitat
Last week, Chef Inc. announced Habitat a new tool for packaging and deploying applications. It is hard for me to overstate how excited I...
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