AI for DevOps Engineers - Part 3: Infrastructure, Operations, Security, and Agents
In the previous parts (part one and part two) of this blog series, we explored the challenges facing DevOps today, how AI can address them, and how to build
Drupal 8 CI/CD with Docker via Jenkins. Part 1: Integration
In this article I will demonstrate how to organize CI workflow for your Drupal 8 website with Docker. We will use Jenkins as our CI/CD tool and docker4drupal containers for test environment. This article will consist of two parts. In the first part we will install Jenkins and set up our build.
Puppet tightens links to Docker, Jenkins, VMware
Puppet is forging tight links between its devops platform and Docker containers, Jenkins continuous integration, and VMware virtual machines. These improvements are part of a series of product unveilings Thursday that also includes the latest version of the Puppet Enterprise datacenter orchestration platform.
Continuous Integration Platform Using Docker Containers: Jenkins, SonarQube, Nexus, GitLab - codecentric AG Blog
In 2015, the concepts and advantages of Continuous Integration (CI) should be well known to most software developers. There are plenty of tools, books and blog articles that cover that topic. One of the first articles was written in 2006 by Martin Fowler, and covers good Practices of Continuous Integration.
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This week is JenkinsWorld, and I won't be there ... but this doesn't mean I won't be part of it. I'm pleased to announce Docker-slaves-plugin has reached 1.0. Docker-slaves was created on year ago, as Yoann and I joined forces during DockerHackDay, with complementary ideas in mind to re-invent Jenkins in a Docker world.
Jenkins World 2016 - Going ALL IN on the Recap
The 2016 edition of Jenkins World just took place at the Santa Clara Convention Center in California. This wasn't a mere 2016 edition of an old recipe.
Delivery Pipelines with Test Kitchen, Chef and Docker
We have been using Chef for configuration management at SB&G for a good while now, making heavy use of Test Kitchen for testing our cookbooks with Jenkins, Docker containers and ServerSpec. These cookbooks also serve as local development environments.
job-dsl-gradle-example - An example Job DSL project that uses Gradle for building and testing.
project-examples - Small projects in Maven, Gradle Ivy to configure CI and Artifactory
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