What's Going On In The World Of OpenStack?


Creating and accessing a Kubernetes cluster on OpenStack, part 1: Create the cluster

In honor of this week's Kubecon, we're bringing you information on how to get started with the Kubernetes container orchestration engine. On Monday we explained what Kubernetes is . Now let's show you how to actually use it.

CoreOS launches its OpenStack on Kubernetes project as a technical preview

Six months ago, CoreOS, the purveyor of fine, small Linux distributions and container management services, demoed a project that would allow its users to easily deploy the notoriously complex OpenStack private cloud platform with the help of containers and Google's Kubernetes container management tools.

NGINX Plus as a Cloud Load Balancer for OpenStack | NGINX

More and more organizations are embracing cloud computing. Moving applications into the cloud comes with several benefits, including cost reduction and agility. At the same time, quite often it can be a challenging task. Many organizations choose to build their own private clouds, either on their premises or hosted at a cloud provider, over using public cloud offerings.


osops-tools-contrib - Contributed Tools for OpenStack Operators

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