2024 Recap & Outlook for 2025
2024 Recap & Outlook for 2025 at Infralovers 2024 was a year of innovations and new learning opportunities for us. We continuously expanded our training
"Shift Left" Security and Compliance Automation with InSpec and Chef - Chef Blog
Velocity needs control to be successful. As DevOps delivers high-velocity, high-performing digital transformation for business, there is increased focus on the need for security and compliance capabilities to match. Balancing these two seemingly contradictory demands - velocity and control - is difficult.
Rule the cloud with Chef and Windows Server 2016 - Chef Blog
Chef has a long history of collaborating with Microsoft Corp. to help enterprise organizations migrate to the cloud and automate Microsoft Azure environments. We're proud of all we've accomplished together and excited about what's next. This week we have a large Chef team on the ground at Microsoft Ignite.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise and the Chef Partner Cookbook Program - Chef Blog
I'd like to announce that Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. They have certified the OneView and the iLO cookbooks which provide interfaces via Chef to two flagship HPE products. The OneView cookbook allows users to configure and manage HPE hardware using OneView's unified API.
Chef Certification: What it is and how to do it - Chef Blog
The Chef Certification Program is an exciting opportunity to deliver more value for your organization and take your career to the next level. Chef skills are in greater demand than ever. The most recent Dice Technology Salary Survey found that salaries for practitioners who cultivate Chef skills rank among the top ten technology skills in the world.
Chef veröffentlicht InSpec 1.0
Rainald Menge-Sonnentag Das aus der Übernahme der deutschen Firma VulcanoSec stammende Werkzeug integriert Compliance-Tests in den Continuous-Delivery-Prozess. Version 1.0 hat eine stabile JSON API und bringt die Anbindung an Chef Automate. Im November 2015 hatte Chef das deutsche Start-up VulcanoSec übernommen. Deren Kernprodukt InSpec erreicht nach insgesamt 70 Releases nun die stabile Version 1.0.
Review: Chef 12 fires up devops
A rich dev and test toolchain, collaborative end-to-end workflow, and improved Windows support put Chef in a league of its own Two of the most important tasks in a datacenter are server provisioning and configuration management.
HPE OneView and Chef: Helping Customers Embrace a Truly Software-Driven Strategy | HPE Newsroom
Chef's Ken Cheney discusses HPE partnership to provide scalable infrastructure management
Installing chef on raspberry pi with centos · Artem Sidorenko
Chef is building omnibus packages only for x86. But probably you want to run chef on raspberry pi 3 with ARM. There is a blogpost, which describes the chef installation on Raspbian. This blogpost covers the steps for chef installation on raspberry pi with centos. First of all, install centos on your raspberry pi.
Chef Automate: Firm's DevOps odds 'n' sods crammed into one parcel
ChefConf Chef has announced Automate, a new product which incorporates all its main DevOps tools into one bundle. The announcement was made at the company's ChefConf event currently under way in Austin, Texas. Chef Automate is essentially a bundle of several existing products - Chef, Chef Delivery, InSpec and Habitat - with integration of their status feeds in order to power a new dashboard.
RIP chef-rewind - Noah Kantrowitz
It's been a bit since their release, but I wanted to draw attention to some new APIs in Chef: edit_resource and delete_resource. These were both added in Chef 12.10 along with a few other friends. chef-rewind has been a mainstay of the Chef ecosystem for years.
chef-rfc - Public RFCs for Chef and related projects
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