2024 Recap & Outlook for 2025
2024 Recap & Outlook for 2025 at Infralovers 2024 was a year of innovations and new learning opportunities for us. We continuously expanded our training
Introducing Docker for Windows Server 2016 - Docker Blog
Today, Microsoft is announcing general availability of Windows Server 2016 at the Ignite conference in Atlanta. For Windows developers and IT-pros, the most exciting new Windows feature is containers, and containers on Windows Server 2016 are powered by Docker.
The 4 Biggest Questions About Docker from VMworld 2016 - Docker Blog
Simply incredible. We spent last week at VMworld speaking with thousands of enterprise security, infrastructure and virtualization pros. It was humbling to witness all of the curiosity and excitement around Docker at the show, and how Docker clearly made a strong impression on the attendees.
Baseimage-docker 0.9.19 released, based on Ubuntu 16.04
Baseimage-docker is a special Docker image that is configured for correct use within Docker containers. It is Ubuntu, plus modifications for Docker-friendliness. You can use it as a base for your own Docker images. Learn more at the Github repository and the website, which explain in detail what the problems
Microsoft Formally Enters the Docker Container Era - Container Journal
In what is certainly a historic day for the Docker container community and perhaps all of IT, Microsoft and Docker Inc. today announced a slew of initiatives built on top of a Docker Engine that is now available on Windows Server 2016.
new Blog( perso );
This week is JenkinsWorld, and I won't be there ... but this doesn't mean I won't be part of it. I'm pleased to announce Docker-slaves-plugin has reached 1.0. Docker-slaves was created on year ago, as Yoann and I joined forces during DockerHackDay, with complementary ideas in mind to re-invent Jenkins in a Docker world.
Docker Security Tool: InSpec CIS Docker Benchmark · Patrick Münch Blog
Having the CIS document is very important, but to have the ability to execute the benchmarks and to get immediately a status of your running environment is equally important. To achive the goal we have implemented the CIS Docker Benchmarks for Security, which automates inpsecting a host configuration against the CIS Benchmark recommendations.
What I found wrong in Docker 1.12 | Hacker News
I wouldn't even limit this to just the swarm feature. We've been running Docker in production for a year, using it in dev environments a year before that, and we've had major problems nearly every release. We had to upgrade directly from Docker 1.7 to 1.11 because every release in between was too unstable or had glaring performance regressions.
Docker Documentation
Get started with Docker Try our new multi-part walkthrough that goes from writing your first app, data storage, networking, and swarms, ending with your app running on production servers in...
The Docker monitoring problem
This post is part 1 in a 4-part series about Docker monitoring. Part 2 explores metrics that are available from Docker, part 3 covers the nuts and bolts of collecting those Docker metrics, and part 4 describes how the largest TV and radio outlet in the U.S. monitors Docker.
Using Honcho to Create a Multi-Process Docker Container
A common misconception is that Docker is only for creating single-process or single-service containers. While it's true that the Dockerfile and docker run command options are designed for running a single process, that doesn't mean that Docker itself doesn't allow for a multi-process Docker container.
Scaling Jenkins with Docker: Swarm, Kubernetes or Mesos?
The Jenkins platform can be dynamically scaled by using several Docker cluster and orchestration platforms, using containers to run slaves and jobs and also isolating job execution. But which cluster technology should be used? Docker Swarm? Apache Mesos? Kubernetes? How do they compare? All of them can be used to dynamically run jobs inside containers.
Intuition Engineering with Docker - Gergo Horanyi - Medium
This post presents a suggestion for a docker monitoring solution combining two awesome tools already at your disposal: Netflix Vizceral and your brain. We bring them together and adapt to a Docker environment. Scroll down for technical details. Your phone rings. It's not the usual tone, though.
8 surprising facts about real Docker adoption
At the beginning of March 2016, 13.6 percent of Datadog's customers had adopted Docker. One year later that number has grown to 18.8 percent. That's almost 40 percent market-share growth in 12 months. This is an impressive fact: Two years ago, Docker had about 3 percent market share, and now it's running on 15 percent of the hosts we monitor.
Docker deployment process across remote data centers | Infobip
Learn how we have improved Docker deployment process across remote data centers to give a smooth deployment experience to our development teams.
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